window.dataLayer.push(['js', new Date()]);

copy and paste, html character, html entity character, unicode icons css, unicode symbol html entity,unicode search,

U+40 @
commat commercial at at sign arroba (old spanish unit of weight) html entities ampersat arobase at-sign mark strudel each at mark aapstert kukac worm maggot malwen sigil at symbol monkey tail each vortex whorl whirlpool cyclone snail ape cat rose cabbage apserand basic latin

U+20e3 ⃣
combining enclosing keycap combining diacritical marks for symbols

U+21ea ⇪
upwards white arrow from bar white up arrow from bar caps lock hollow upwards hollow arrow from bar arrows

U+21eb ⇫
upwards white arrow on pedestal level 2 lock arrows

U+21ec ⇬
upwards white arrow on pedestal horizontal bar capitals (caps) lock arrows

U+21ed ⇭
upwards white arrow on pedestal vertical bar numeric lock arrows

U+21ef ⇯
upwards white double arrow on pedestal level 3 lock arrows

U+21f0 ⇰
rightwards white arrow from wall group lock arrows

U+2318 ⌘
place of interest sign command key (1.0) operating system key (iso 9995-7) cmd butterfly cloverleaf overpass four leaf clover gorgon loop bowen knot heraldic knot Saint John's Arms saint hannes cross miscellaneous technical

U+2324 ⌤
up arrowhead between two horizontal bars enter key miscellaneous technical

U+2325 ⌥
option key miscellaneous technical

U+2326 ⌦
erase to right delete to right key miscellaneous technical

U+2327 ⌧
x in rectangle box clear key miscellaneous technical

U+2328 ⌨
keyboard computer miscellaneous technical

U+232b ⌫
erase to left delete to left key miscellaneous technical

U+2387 ⎇
alternative key symbol miscellaneous technical

U+2396 ⎖
decimal separator key symbol miscellaneous technical

U+26a4 ⚤
interlocked female and male sign heterosexuality miscellaneous symbols

U+26bf ⚿
squared key parental lock miscellaneous symbols

U+2b7e ⭾
horizontal tab key miscellaneous symbols and arrows

U+2b7f ⭿
vertical tab key miscellaneous symbols and arrows

U+2bb8 ⮸
upwards white arrow from bar horizontal bar caps lock miscellaneous symbols and arrows

U+130d8 𓃘
egyptian hieroglyph e007 donkey egyptian hieroglyphs

U+130f8 𓃸
egyptian hieroglyph e033 monkey egyptian hieroglyphs

U+1ceb1 𜺱
keyhole symbols for legacy computing supplement

U+1d1ae 𝆮
musical symbol pedal mark keyboard techniques musical symbols

U+1d1af 𝆯
musical symbol pedal up mark keyboard techniques musical symbols

U+1d1b0 𝆰
musical symbol half pedal mark half-pedal mark keyboard techniques musical symbols

U+1f190 🆐
square dj disc jockey enclosed alphanumeric supplement

U+1f357 🍗
poultry leg bone chicken drumstick hungry turkey food miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f398 🎘
musical keyboard jacks midi keyboard master keyboard plugs miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3b9 🎹
musical keyboard instrument piano organ miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3c7 🏇
horse racing jockey racehorse riding sport animal miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3d1 🏑
field hockey stick and ball game miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3d2 🏒
ice hockey stick and puck game miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f412 🐒
monkey animal banana nature miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f435 🐵
monkey face animal banana nature miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f510 🔐
closed lock key secure bike locked key miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f511 🔑
key keys lock major password unlock miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f512 🔒
lock padlock in locked position closed private miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f513 🔓
open lock cracked unlocked padlock miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f51f 🔟
keycap ten miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5a6 🖦
keyboard and mouse miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5ae 🖮
wired keyboard miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5dd 🗝
old key encryption clue lock miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f648 🙈
see-no-evil monkey embarrassed face forbidden forgot gesture hide omg prohibited scared secret smh watch emoticons

U+1f649 🙉
hear-no-evil monkey animal ears face forbidden gesture listen not prohibited secret shh tmi emoticons

U+1f64a 🙊
speak-no-evil monkey animal face forbidden gesture not oops prohibited quiet secret stealth emoticons

U+1f943 🥃
tumbler glass whisky liquor scotch shot whiskey supplemental symbols and pictographs

U+1f983 🦃
turkey bird gobble thanksgiving poultry supplemental symbols and pictographs

U+1f9a7 🦧
orangutan animal ape monkey supplemental symbols and pictographs

U+1f9e9 🧩
jigsaw puzzle piece clue interlocking supplemental symbols and pictographs

U+1fabf 🪿
goose animal bird duck flock fowl gaggle gander geese honk ornithology silly symbols and pictographs extended-a

U+1facf 🫏
donkey animal ass burro hinny mammal mule stubborn symbols and pictographs extended-a

U+2a U+fe0f U+20e3 *️⃣
keycap asterisk * basic latin

U+38 U+fe0f U+20e3 8️⃣
keycap digit eight 8 basic latin

U+35 U+fe0f U+20e3 5️⃣
keycap digit five 5 basic latin

U+34 U+fe0f U+20e3 4️⃣
keycap digit four 4 basic latin

U+39 U+fe0f U+20e3 9️⃣
keycap digit nine 9 basic latin

U+31 U+fe0f U+20e3 1️⃣
keycap digit one 1 basic latin

U+37 U+fe0f U+20e3 7️⃣
keycap digit seven 7 basic latin

U+36 U+fe0f U+20e3 6️⃣
keycap digit six 6 basic latin

U+33 U+fe0f U+20e3 3️⃣
keycap digit three 3 basic latin

U+32 U+fe0f U+20e3 2️⃣
keycap digit two 2 basic latin

U+30 U+fe0f U+20e3 0️⃣
keycap digit zero 0 basic latin

U+23 U+fe0f U+20e3 #️⃣
keycap number sign \x{23} basic latin

U+2328 U+fe0f ⌨️
keyboard miscellaneous technical

U+1f5dd U+fe0f 🗝️
old key miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f34b U+200d U+1f7e9 🍋‍🟩
lime acidity citrus cocktail fruit garnish key margarita mojito refreshing salsa sour tangy tequila tropical zest miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

AmpWhat is the place to explore the characters and icons underlying your browser, computer and phone.

* These are known as Unicode.

① Type in the search box, or

② Click a pre-made search

③ Select and click a character to copy it (look for the ⧉ and cursor)

④ Explore & have fun!



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